The papers dealing with modelling of interbranch problems in which mechanical phenomena are of decisive importance will be presented and discussed as well.
The authors are requested to prepare papers only in English. It is desirable to begin the paper with a brief presentation of the discussed problem, pointing out the essence and novelty contained in the paper.
The papers will be published in the proceedings of the Seminar. Full text electronic versions must be delivered to the Organising Comimittee until September 5, 2018.
Download templates for full paper in MS Word format: template & fonts
Because of the comparatively short time of the presentation (10 minutes), it is very important to prepare presentation very carefully.
To register please send email to Organising Committee of the Seminar (
Full cost of participation: 400PLN
The fee include the organization expences, the publishing of the papers, accommodation and meals.
The fee should be paid into the following account:
Komitet Organizacyjny Sympozjonu
nr 48 1020 2401 0000 0902 0183 6824
PKO I Oddział w Gliwicach
The papers and inquires please adreess to:
Seminar "Modelling and Optimization of Physical Systems"
Polskie Towarzystwno Mechaniki
Teoretycznej i Stosowanej o/Gliwice
Konarskiego 18A, room .184
44-100 Gliwice
phone (+48) 32 2372847, (+48) 32 2371646